Press Kit
Here you can find more information about the origin of and motivation behind a11yphant. We also provide some pictures and logos for you to use if you want to write about us.
The Motivation
In an ideal world, all websites are designed and developed so everyone can use them. Sadly, many websites do not comply with web accessibility guidelines. Therefore, especially people with impairments and disabilities are barred from using them. One of the main problems is that many developers don't know enough about web accessibility. a11yphant wants to improve this situation by giving them a tool for learning accessibility in a fun, interactive way.
a11yphant teaches developers the basics of web accessibility. Learn step by step by completing short, interactive coding challenges and quizzes.
What does a11yphant mean?
The name a11yphant is a combination of the numeronym "a11y", which is an abbreviation for "accessibility", and the word "elephant". We chose "elephant" as part of our name because elephants are very smart animals and we like them.
How do I pronounce a11yphant?
In the accessibility community, the term "a11y" is often pronounced as "ally" because the number "1" looks similar to the letter "l", depending on the font. Therefore a11yphant is pronounced as allyphant .
Corporate Identity
a11yphant is always written in lowercase letters.
The a11yphant color code is #7331FF.
The fonts we use are "IBM Plex Sans" and "IBM Plex Mono".
The a11yphant logo is a combination mark. Depending on the case, using only the pictorial mark is allowed. The logo can't be altered in any way (strech, rotate, crop, change the opacity or colour, change the font, put something else on top, etc.).
Combination mark (dark on light background)
Combination mark (light on dark background)
Pictorial mark
The Team behind a11yphant
Concept and Development
Daniela Kubesch is an accessibility engineer who is passionate about user experience and inclusive design. She strongly believes in equality and inclusion and is committed to making digital services accessible. Daniela is co-founder of a11yphant. When she is not coding, she juggles all things of organisational nature.
Luca Pircher is a web developer based in Austria who firmly believes the web should be inclusive. At a11yphant, Luca supports the team as the "Technical Project Lead" by ensuring that the project is a joy to work on for the dev team and planning the technical requirements for upcoming challenges.
Thomas Dax is a full-stack developer interested in product development and developer experience. As "Head of Text", he has supported the team with copywriting since co-founding a11yphant. Thomas further does a lot of frontend development work and takes care of the development setup.
Michael Hinterhofer is a corporate backend developer on weekdays and "Chief of Happiness Officer" for a11yphant on the weekend. Since co-founding a11yphant, he supported the team with his magic in the backend.
Interface and Corporate Design
Johanna Wicht is a communication designer based in Salzburg with a strong interest in visualizing data and identities. She received multiple awards, including ADC Talent and CCA Student of the year.
Fabian Heller is an interdisciplinary digital designer at the intersection of Graphic Design, Motion Design and Illustration. He received multiple awards for his work in these fields.
Application Screenshots

Want to know more? Send us an e-mail with your question to