a11yphant (pronounced allyphant ) teaches developers the basics of web accessibility. Learn step by step by completing short, interactive coding challenges and quizzes.
In an ideal world, all websites are designed and developed so everyone can use them. Sadly, many websites do not comply with web accessibility guidelines. Therefore, especially people with impairments and disabilities are barred from using them. One of the main problems is that many developers don't know enough about web accessibility. a11yphant wants to improve this situation by giving them a tool for learning accessibility in a fun, interactive way.
But what is a11yphant?
a11yphant is an interactive online course for web accessibility. In this course, you will revisit web development topics from an accessibility perspective. For example, how to make sure that assistive technologies like screen readers can interact with the website? Or, what is the purpose of the different semantic HTML elements? These are some of the things you will learn by writing meaningful markup and completing quizzes.
Coding-Challenges and Quizzes
Various accessibility topics are split up into short challenges. On a11yphant, you solve coding levels and single-choice quizzes in each challenge. Each level teaches you one thing at a time. Our evaluation provides you with detailed feedback on our success criteria. If you struggle to solve a challenge, hints will help you out.
Meet the team
a11yphant started as a master’s project created by six students at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (Austria). Concept and Development by Daniela Kubesch, Luca Pircher, Thomas Dax and Michael Hinterhofer. Interface and Corporate Design by Johanna Wicht and Fabian Heller.
As we hope to make the world more inclusive, we continue developing a11yphant as an Open Source project. So, if you find an accessibility issue or want to contribute or support us in any other way, please let us know by writing to info@a11yphant.com.
What others say about us:
One time Distinction in "Concept and Design of Digital Services/Products" by Art Directors Club (ADC) at the ADC Talent Award 2023
One time Shortlist in "Student of the Year" by Creative Club Austria (CCA) at the CCA Venus 2023
"Web Accessability lernen mit a11yphant" by Page Magazine (in German)
"Smashing Newsletter" - Issue #344 by Smashing Magazine
"A11y Weekly" - Issue #285 by David A. Kennedy
"Pixels of the Week" by Stéphanie Walter
"Weekly Web Development Resources" - Issue #108 by wweb.dev (Vincent Will)
ProductHunt ranking #11 on the launch day
"5 Snacks" Episode by Stack Snacks